
The schedule is subject to change.

Thursday, September 26th, 2024

09:00AM CEST

Conference Introduction and Keynote:

Quantum Shift: Rewiring the Tech Landscape

10:00AM CEST


10:20AM CEST

Comprehensive Approaches to Software Supply Chain Security

Developing software in the highly regulated FinTech industry presents unique challenges due to the complexity and risks involved. Regulatory frameworks significantly impact architecture decisions, requiring attention to compliance and data security standards.

Taking LLMs out of the Black Box: A Practical Guide to Human-in-the-Loop Distillation

As the field of natural language processing advances and new ideas develop, we’re seeing more and more ways to use compute efficiently, producing AI systems that are cheaper to run and easier to control.

11:10AM CEST


11:30AM CEST

Ultra-Fast In-Memory Database Applications with Java

Hibernate is the de facto standard persistence for traditional Java database apps. It was built for monolithic Java applications and also monolithic server databases. However, Hibernate is also known as complex and slow, but we got used to it.

Sustainable Web Design

Sustainable web design is an approach to designing digital products and services that are conscious of lowering carbon emissions by becoming more efficient. The internet may be digital, but it runs on electricity, much of which is still produced by fossil fuels.

12:20PM CEST


01:20PM CEST

How to Ship Updates to 40+ Apps Every Week With Nx

Maintaining a huge codebase is always a challenge, you need to ship features, run the business as usual, and introduce new tools, and it becomes more challenging when you have many teams contributing to the code base.

Efficient DevSecOps Workflows With a Little Help From AI

From idea to the first line of code to production deployments - DevSecOps workflows help develop software faster. There is a different level of adoption, and processes feel inefficient or block progress and innovation.

02:10PM CEST


02:30PM CEST

Building a Lightning Fast Firewall with Java & eBPF

eBPF is buzzing all over the cloud native world, as the cutting-edge technology reshaping the way we understand performance, security, and observability within kernel space.

Leveraging Open-Source LLMs for Production

This talk dives into the practical use of open-source LLMs for real-world applications, weighing their pros and cons.

03:20PM CEST


03:40PM CEST

From "Simple" Fine-Tuning to Your Own Mixture of Expert Models Using Open-Source Models

Nowadays, training a large language model (LLM) from scratch is a huge effort, even for very large companies.

From a Lambda-Lith to an Event Driven Architecture – Lessons Learned

In this talk, you will learn about the challenges of the "Lambda-Lith" approach and the benefits of embracing EDAs. Are you on a serverless journey on AWS, starting with the popular stack of Amazon ApiGateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB?

04:30PM CEST

Attendee Social With Dry Snacks & Drinks

05:15PM CEST
In person only

‘Dev Dialogues’ - After Hours Unconference & Peer Discussions

Come and join us to end the day by socializing with other participants and discussing the topics that brought you here with your peers and our expert speakers.

No Video Available

Friday, September 27th, 2024

09:00AM CEST
In Person Only

Conference Introduction and Keynote:

AI in the Age of Climate Change

Nischal HP Nischal HP - Agreena

Ballroom ABC

No Video Available
10:00AM CEST


10:20AM CEST

1BRC–Nerd Sniping the Java Community

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is the following: aggregate temperature values from a CSV file and group them by weather station name. There’s only one caveat: the file has one 1,000,000,000 rows!

The Art of Embracing Failures with Serverless Architectures

Nowadays, serverless can mean and do many different things. Among others, it helps break down complex tasks into smaller components and run them in parallel, leveraging the power of distributed architectures. And it can seem almost magical in its perceived simplicity!

11:10AM CEST


11:30AM CEST

Cloud Attack Emulation: Leveraging the Attacker’s Advantage for Effective Defense

Cloud attack emulation is a novel approach for continuously validating security posture by proactively testing enterprise security strategies' people, processes, and technology aspects.

Bringing a Product Mindset to an Infrastructure Platform Team

The container platform is up to speed technically and the most advanced application teams are already running production workloads.

12:20PM CEST


01:20PM CEST

Visibility in Cloud Security: How Exactly Our Cloud Environments Are Configured?

In this session, we will explore the often overlooked complexities of cloud configurations and their impact on our information security posture:

Launching AI Agents Across Europe at Breakneck Speed With an Agent Computing Platform

Enterprises struggle with productionizing LLM-powered applications due to a lack of established practices, and developer constraints in productionizing LLM-powered applications. Moving beyond PoCs is especially difficult for conversational applications.

02:10PM CEST


02:30PM CEST

Elevate Developer Experience with Generative AI Capabilities on AWS

This presentation delves into the transformative potential of generative AI on AWS to enhance the developer experience, with a particular focus on expediting the onboarding process for new developers.

Turbocharged Development: The Speed and Efficiency of WebAssembly

The **software carbon intensity (SCI)** of an application is the sum of its operational emissions and embodied hardware emissions. Serverless, or functions as a service (FaaS), provides a path towards reducing operational emissions by running event-driven applications only as needed.

03:20PM CEST


03:40PM CEST

Architecture's Lessons: Build a New Product Within a SAFE Organizations

This travelogue describes lessons learned of a Solution Architect on the journey through teams, ARTs, business departments, stakeholders and management when turning the company’s ideas and requirements into a new product for our customers.

04:30PM CEST

Attendee Social With Dry Snacks & Drinks