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Danielle Lancashire

She / her / hers

Principal Software Engineer @Fermyon, Kubernetes Maintainer

Danielle is a principal engineer at Fermyon where she works on bringing WebAssembly to the Cloud. She is also a co-chair of the CNCF wasm-wg, member of the Kubernetes Code Of Conduct Committee, and a Kubelet maintainer. When not at a computer she can often be found riding bikes and shooting film.

Find Danielle Lancashire at:

code red


Turbocharged Development: The Speed and Efficiency of WebAssembly

The **software carbon intensity (SCI)** of an application is the sum of its operational emissions and embodied hardware emissions. Serverless, or functions as a service (FaaS), provides a path towards reducing operational emissions by running event-driven applications only as needed.

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Friday Sep 27 / 02:30PM CEST ( 50 minutes )


Ballroom BC
