Reducing Developer Overload: Offloading Auth, Policy, and Resilience to the Platform

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Developer's time is the most crucial resource in an enterprise IT organization. Too much time is spent on undifferentiated heavy lifting and in the world of APIs and microservices much of that is spent on non-functional, cross-cutting networking requirements like security, observability, and resilience.

As organizations reconcile their DevOps practices into Platform Engineering, tools like Istio help alleviate developer pain. In this talk we dig into what that pain looks like, how much it costs, and how Istio has solved these concerns by examining three real-life use cases. As this space continues to emerge, and innovation has not slowed, we will also discuss the recently announced Istio sidecar-less mode which significantly reduces the hurdles to adopt Istio within Kubernetes or outside Kubernetes. 


Christian Posta

Global Field CTO

Christian Posta (@christianposta) is Global Field CTO at, former Chief Architect at Red Hat, and well known in the community for being an author (Istio in Action, Manning, Istio Service Mesh, O'Reilly 2018, Microservices for Java Developers, O’Reilly 2016), frequent blogger, speaker, open-source enthusiast and committer on various open-source projects including Istio, Kubernetes, and many others. He enjoys mentoring, training and leading teams to be successful with distributed systems concepts, microservices, devops, and cloud-native application design.

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Tuesday Jun 25 / 10:20AM EDT ( 50 minutes )


