Monorepos: Beyond the Technicalities

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While the conversation around monorepos sparks the interest of more people every day, there are still many misconceptions and doubts surrounding the idea of putting all code into a single version control repository. My goal here is to analyze software development workflows without ignoring the human factor and the status quo (most likely a poly-repo setting) so that, after watching this talk, you can ask the right questions when deciding whether or not a monorepo might be suitable for your team, organization, or company.


Tiago Bento

Principal Software Engineer @IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions and Apache KIE (Incubator) Committer

Tiago Bento is a Principal Software Engineer at IBM and Committer at Apache KIE (incubator). He’s an experienced Java and TypeScript developer working on Open Source business automation projects based on standards like BPMN and DMN.

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