From Local to Production: A Modern Developer’s Journey Towards Kubernetes

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As developers today, we build applications that run on the cloud and the way to run applications in the cloud is via containers! While Kubernetes makes it easy to run and orchestrate containers, the path from local development to kubernetes is not a simple copy and paste. Open source tools like Podman and Docker aid developers in containerizing their applications locally with ease, but it is still an effort to make those containerized applications ready for production environments.

In this talk, we will go over the full developer experience of writing your application, containerizing it locally, deploying it to a Kubernetes cluster, and debugging Kubernetes applications locally. By highlighting best practices and offering practical tips, attendees will learn how to accelerate the containerization process while maintaining simplicity, reliability, and security. Join us as we demystify the path from local development to Kubernetes.

What's the focus of your work these days?

I have been working on Podman and related container tools for the last 6 years and was one of the original contributors for most of it. I have also worked closely with the OpenShift and RHEL teams. I recently transitioned over to the Machine Config Operator team at Red Hat and have had a ton of experience working with people to get their containers from dev through to real world use cases. As a maintainer of the various container projects, we have adapted and evolved our tools to make the lives of developers using containers easier. 

What technical aspects of your role are most important?

Developing container tools involve understanding the basics of how Linux processes work, as containers at the end of the day are just Linux processes. So having knowledge about how the Linux operating system works, as well as how containers are used in production is vital to what I do. Since K8s and almost all container-related technologies are written in Go, being fluent in Go is important as well.

How does your InfoQ Dev Summit Boston session address current challenges or trends in the industry?

There's this concept of the "wall of discrepancies" between what engineers on the dev side have to deal with and sys admins on the ops deal with. This wall makes it surprisingly difficult to move back and forth between dev and production. My session would demonstrate a workflow that helps alleviate a lot of those issues with modern day tools.

How do you see the concepts discussed in your InfoQ Dev Summit Boston session shaping the future of the industry?

Containers are the present and very much the future. Almost all workloads running in the cloud today run in containers just because of how portable, easy, and simple containers are. The most recent problem space that containers are being applied to is in AI, addressing use cases ranging from model training through to inference.


Urvashi Mohnani

Principal Software Engineer @Red Hat, Co-Chair of DevConf.US, and Instructor at BU

Urvashi is a Principal Software Engineer on the OpenShift Containers Team at Red Hat. She has spent the last few years developing Open Source container tools including Podman, Buildah, CRI-O, Skopeo, Kubernetes, and OpenShift. She is passionate about sharing her work and has given talks at various conferences including KubeCon, DevConf, and SCaLE. Urvashi is also a co-chair of DevConf.US and an instructor at Boston University.

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Monday Jun 24 / 08:30PM CEST ( 50 minutes )




Containers Kubernetes Podman Cloud Native
